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Improving, but remaining in the hospital

Update 3: We will be in the hospital for at least 24-48 hours more. Jon's symptoms are all improving, but he is now heading into neutropenic range (normal range for white blood cells is 8000-14000/uL - he currently has 750/uL) so with the still slightly elevated heart-rate and mostly normal, but still occasionally small temp (99.7 highest), they want to keep him for monitoring until his white counts start to rise again. Neutropenia is normal for most chemo cycles - it just is more dangerous to get sick when you have no immune system. In the past, his counts have been lowest on the Monday, and then started to rise again on Tuesday - but every cycle is different, and we've never had a blood-draw on Sunday before so we don't know what they do before our typical Monday draw.

They've cut back some of the antibiotics since all the other cultures came back negative - for now, thankfully, we think we're just dealing with a bronchiolitis from RSV. Pictured, peace-pipe nebulizer to help open up his bronchioli. His energy is better, and his appetite is returning, which are great signs!

Relatedly, I seem to have caught his GI bug - so that plus holidays spent apart adds in an additional fun component. Needless to say, we appreciate your prayers and thoughts all around, as we try to figure out how to care best for Jon and kids (and me) over Christmas.

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