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Back to the hospital we go...

Friday - midnight: We're back in the ER. Jon's had a bad cold all week, and spiked a fever this afternoon. Dr isn't too worried, but in chemo-world, with low blood counts, every fever is an emergency, so here we are. We'd love your prayers for rest and good results from the myriad of tests that have been run. TBD whether we'll be discharged or admitted later tonight...

UPDATE 1 (Saturday early am): admitted around 4am and starting a 48 hr IV antibiotic. Hoping for discharge Christmas morning, earliest. No clear infections found, still waiting on some cultures, just fever and elevated heart rate.

UPDATE 2 (Saturday mid-morning): Jon tested positive for RSV (a fairly common but not fun respiratory virus - so antibiotics don't help - just have to wait it out) and was dehydrated from GI issues yesterday. Still waiting on blood cultures (prob not in until tomorrow) to rule out any secondary bacterial infection, so we'll stay on antibiotics until that's ruled out. Heart rate is lower this am with hydration and we're on a nebulizer to help with some wheezing/constriction in his bronchial tubes (probably related to the virus). Fever was down this am. Trying to get some calories in him again post GI issues. The oncologist that was rounding this am is one of our favorites (and is a former Park Streeter as well). He says there's a chance we could discharge tomorrow, but we have to wait for cultures to come back and monitor the aforementioned factors. He says overall, Jon looks pretty good. Thanks again for thoughts and prayers!

For those asking: the kids are covered for today thanks to very kind friends and neighbors - I'm working on plans for tomorrow/Monday as we figure out what we need and how long we'll be here. We miss them a lot and are hoping to be able to be home for Christmas with them. Jon is sick of hospital food, so if you're healthy (we're still descending into neutropenic so have to be very careful) and want to drop off a homemade plate, he wouldn't refuse.

view of the helipad from our hospital room

Thanks for all the support, friends.

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