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Joy in the Midst of Grief

Jon and Baby Girl

One moment, you're laughing at the antics of your 11 month old daughter; the next, you are weeping at the suckiness of tumors in 31 year old dads. One moment, your toddler is (successfully!) trying to climb the slide; the next, you're trying to hold yourself upright under the weight of grief. This is real life. We hold both grief and joy at the same time, without minimizing either - and God is big enough for both, unfiltered.

Happy 11 months, baby girl!! You bring us SO much joy! You are stringing steps together with enthusiasm, you have never met a stranger, and your squealing laughter makes us laugh, as does your ferocious bravery and insistence on doing whatever the big kids are doing. You are a gift little one, and we love you!

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